

NOM Mom Group Information

Posted on July 22, 2022 in: General News

NOM Mom Group Information
Nativity is moving ahead with forming a moms group to kickoff in Fall 2022. Below are some of the key highlights!   • Bi-monthly (September through May) on the second and fourth Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. • All mothers or mothers-to-be are welcome to attend regardless...

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Parish Event, Moms Group
A Note From Our Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization
Excerpt from the Sunday, July 24th Bulletin, written by Emily Dalsky (Director Faith Formation & Evangelization)   Greetings in Christ! What a lovely first month I’ve had at Nativity. Thank you for your gracious welcome! I wish to share a few thoughts on parish life as I begi...

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Plenary Indulgence on World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly- Sunday, July 24
Catholics can obtain a plenary indulgence by visiting an elderly person on the second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly taking place on Sunday, July 24th.  A decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary on May 30 said that the indulgence is available “to the...

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Parish Event, Plenary Indulgence
Knights of Columbus: New Grand Knight & Honorary Knights
Yectli Huerta is the new Grand Knight for the Marian Council 3827 Knights of Columbus replacing Roderick Maddox for the one-year term.  Huerta has been a member of the Knights for seven years moving up through Warden and Deputy Grand Knight. His goal is to involve more Knights and their fa...

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Knights of Columbus
A Note From Our Director of Music & Liturgy
Excerpt from the Sunday, July 17th Bulletin, written by Martha Barth (Director Liturgy & Music)   A Note From Our Director of Music & Liturgy Hello! This week will be one month that I’ve been working at Nativity. Everyone has been so warm and welcoming, and I’m so g...

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Sunday Mass, Music, Liturgy
VEAP School Supply Drive- July 11-30
As we celebrate graduations, end of school activities and the kids are making plans for summer fun, VEAP is already at work planning for their Back to School collection for the thousands of children who would normally not be able to fill their backpacks with the necessities they need this fall. We a...

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Parish Event, VEAP, School Supply Drive
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