2024 - 2025 Confirmation Registration Now Open


Teens & Parents,


It is with great joy that we embark upon this year together in preparation for confirmation! Why is this sacrament relevant? It prepares the confirmand for a lifelong journey with Christ—a journey we pray culminates in heaven!


The Code of Canon Law explains: “The sacrament of confirmation strengthens the baptized and obliges them more firmly to be witnesses of Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith. It imprints a character, enriches by the gift of the Holy Spirit the baptized continuing on the path of Christian initiation, and binds them more perfectly to the Church” (Can. 879).


We are a 1-year program, and Nativity confirms in 9th grade. If your student is older than 9th grade and wishes to be confirmed, please do not hesitate to contact Emily; we would love to have him/her join us!


All sessions will be from 6:30 - 8 pm every Wednesday evening throughout the school year. Please see the calendar below for more details.


Registration Fee: $85- 1 Teen; $150 - 2 Teens; $200 - Family Max.


This year, we are pleased to partner again with the St. John Vianney Seminary for confirmation. With the direction of staff, two seminarians will regularly teach classes and lead sessions. We will be using materials from FORMED (The Search Begins) along with other resources.


Here are the confirmation preparation components required for this year:


  • Attend Confirmand & Parent Meeting (Oct 20, 2024)

Meetings will consist of formation, conversation, prayer, and overview of the sacrament. At least one parent needs to be present; both parents preferred. If a parent or student cannot attend, please contact Emily to make other arrangements. The Parent Meeting will be Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 6:30 - 8 pm at Nativity of Mary.


  • Attend Confirmation Retreat (Nov 8 - 10, 2024)

This retreat is intended for teens to encounter Jesus personally, grow in fellowship with peers, and learn about the sacrament of confirmation. More details forthcoming. 


  • Select Sponsor (due by sponsor Dec 13, 2024)

Complete Sponsor Form here.


  • Attend Confirmand & Sponsor Meeting (Dec 15, 2024)

Meetings will consist of formation, conversation, prayer, and overview of the sacrament. If a sponsor or student cannot attend, both sponsor and student will meet with Emily to cover the content. The virtual and in-person Sponsor Meeting will be Sunday, December 15, 2024. 


Virtual will happen on Zoom from 4 - 5:30 pm.


In-person will happen at Nativity from 6:30 – 8 pm.


  • Attend Mass on all Sundays (or vigil Masses) and Holy Days of Obligation


  • Complete a Saint Project (due Feb 1, 2025)

Instructions and upload here.


  • Complete 3-5 Confirmation Missions (due Mar 1, 2025)

Confirmation missions consist of a variety of ways of living out the faith. These include attending daily Mass, praying a rosary, going to confession, serving at Nativity, etc. Upload missions here.


  • Send a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate to Nativity of Mary (due Mar 15, 2025)

Request for Baptismal Certificate Form (only necessary to send to your teen's parish of baptism if he/she was not baptized at Nativity). Mail completed forms to Nativity of Mary (attn: Kelly Schumacher) or email kschumacher@nativitybloomington.org.


  • Complete a Letter of Intent (due Apr 1, 2025)

Addressed to our pastor Father Bill Duffert. Between 1 - 2 pages double spaced explaining why you wish to be confirmed/fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Upload letter here.


  • Confirmation Survey 

Surveys will be used instead of an interview to capture feedback and access the candidate's readiness. Surveys are completed in the spring during class time. 


  • Confirmation Rehearsal (May 4, 2025)

At our rehearsal, we will cover the rubics of the confirmation liturgy along with the responses. Sponsor and confirmand are both required. Parents welcome. 


Virtual will happen on Zoom from 4 - 5:30 pm.


In-person will happen at Nativity from 6:30 – 8 pm.


  • Rite of Confirmation (May 8, 2025)

Thursday, May 8 at 7 pm at the Cathedral of St. Paul 


2024-2025 Confirmation Registration
2024 - 2025 Confirmation Calendar 


Teens: Looking for More?

  • NOM Youth Group - meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays from 7 - 8:45 pm. More details forthcoming. 


  • LifeLine is ready to welcome you! Check out this flyer to participate in monthly youth gatherings held at the NET Center in West St. Paul. Evenings include Mass, Adoration, worship, talks, and fellowship. Open to all 9 - 12 graders.


  • We host monthly Dead Theologians Society meetings on the third Tuesday of every month from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at Nativity. Open to grades 8 - 12. Come enjoy dinner, discover a new saint, and meet some new friends along the way!


Interested in Serving?

We are looking for individuals who love the Catholic faith and desire to be invested in the lives of young people. Serve our high school students to help them encounter Christ, learn the faith, and grow in community. No experience necessary. Training provided. If interested, please contact Emily Dalsky at the parish.


It is an honor to serve your teen in preparation for this wonderful sacrament. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments.


-Emily Dalsky, Director of Evangelization & Faith Formation
edalsky@nativitybloomington.org or 952.881.8671 x8067

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