Dignitas Vitae (Respect Life)

Dignitas Vitae

(Latin for Dignity of Life)

Our Mission

Our mission is to uphold and advocate for the sanctity of every human life, from conception to natural death. We are dedicated to safeguarding the inherent dignity of all individuals, particularly those most vulnerable in our community. Through unwavering commitment to education and prayer, we strive to illuminate hearts and minds, fostering a culture that cherishes and protects the precious gift of life at every stage.


Who We Are

We are a parishioner led group at Nativity of Mary committed to upholding the teachings of Christ by caring for one another with dignity. Here are some highlights of our recent endeavors:

  • We host an ongoing Speaker Series addressing a variety of life issues.
  • We secured a donation for a set of Fetal Development Models, which have been integrated into the curriculum of Nativity of Mary's Middle School Science and Religion classes, as well as Wednesday evening’s Faith Formation classes. This resource provides students with a 3-D representation of prenatal development, enhancing their understanding of each Child of God.
  • Our Sunday Bulletin features a dedicated section with thought-provoking educational snippets, suggestions for further readings, and announcements.
  • We have established a resource area in the Caritas Room where pamphlets focusing on various life issues from a Catholic perspective are available.
  • We keep the parish informed about current life-affirming events and opportunities in the broader community.
  • We encourage our parish to follow along in the development of our spiritually adopted baby through monthly bulletin updates to honor the gift of life.

Together, we strive to deepen our understanding of the sanctity of life and fulfill our calling to live out Christ's teachings in our community.


How You Can Get Involved

  • Attend a Dignitas Vitae Meeting: Join fellow members as we discern and discuss agenda items. Meetings occur on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 9:30-11 AM.
  • Holy Hour for Life: Join us throughout the year for Adoration offered between Sunday Masses, where we collectively pray for our culture to embrace the dignity of human life.
  • Pray: Participate in weekly petitions during the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass, pick up prayer materials such as holy cards and novenas at the Parish entrances. Additionally, consider joining our group for a monthly Holy Hour on the 1st Friday of the month from 7-8 AM in the Church. We humbly request your prayers for our mission and the individuals we serve.
  • Donate: Dignitas Vitae welcomes monetary donations, which directly support life-affirming programs and events at Nativity of Mary.



If you feel called to join us in this mission, please reach out to Julie Clancy at: beestill16@gmail.com or (612) 823-1110

Everyone with a passion for life is most sincerely welcome.  With God’s help we can do so much! 



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