Pastoral Care
The pastoral care of God’s people and creation is an integral part of the life and ministry at Nativity of Mary Catholic Church. We desire to provide pastoral support and resources which meet the needs of the members of the community. The ministries of pastoral care offer opportunities for parishioners to live out their baptismal call to be Disciples of Christ and servants of their brothers and sisters.
Pastoral care ministry brings compassionate care to the many diverse needs within our Church community. The ministry includes prayer, support and guidance through life’s transitions and crises. We care for the elderly, particularly those who are homebound or in care facilities. We care for those who are dying and their loved ones. We offer prayer and moral support on behalf of the parish community. Nativity of Mary also maintains a listing of local community resources which are available to persons seeking information and services.
If you would like more information on any of the ministries listed below, please email or call our Ministry Coordinator, Beth Gaetz, at 952-881-8671 extension 8070.
Anointing of the Sick

Parishioners may call the Parish Office at (952) 881-8671 about receiving the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. If death is immenent, please ask for Fr. Bill, Beth Gaetz, Ministry Coordinator, or choose the "Pastoral Emergency" option from the recorded message. If you have a serious medical procedure scheduled and wish to be anointed, please call or email Fr. Bill directly at 952-881-8671 extension 8066 or
Hospital Ministry

Prior to COVID-19, volunteers provided supportive hospital visits to any parishioner who had notified the parish of their hospitalization. We hope to reinstate this ministry soon. Email Fr. Bill to request a visit from him.
Holy Communion to the Homebound

This ministry provides parishioners who are unable to attend Mass the opportunity to continue to participate in the Eucharist and the sacramental life of the parish. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to parishioners after weekend Masses or during the week. Homebound Ministry is a personally rewarding experience to the Homebound Ministers of Nativity of Mary Parish. We serve anywhere from 10-15 households at any given time.
Eucharistic Ministry to Care Centers/Senior Living Complexes
This ministry provides Eucharist and/or communion services to Catholic residents of five care centers and two senior care living complexes located within our parish boundaries.
- Presbyterian Homes Care Center (long-term, transitional & memory care) - Every Sunday or Monday after the morning Mass to assigned residents.
- Nine Mile Creek Senior Living (assisted living & memory care) - Each Thursday at 10 a.m. - Word & Communion Service
- Gideon Pond Chapel, Presbyterian Homes (independent & assisted living) - Every Monday at 10:15 a.m.- Word & Communion Service. On the Second Saturday of the month at 3 p.m. a Mass is offered, which has received approval by the Archbishop to count for the Sunday obligation.
- The Estates of Bloomington (long-term and transitional care) - Weekly Holy Communion, given room-to-room, on a day that works for both our volunteer EMHC and the facility.
- Wealshire of Bloomington (memory care) - Every second and fouth Wednesday - 10:30 a.m. Word & Communion Serivce, followed by Holy Communion to other Catholics in the complex who cannot make it to the Word & Communion Service.
- SummerHouse of Bloomington (independent senior living) - Each Tuesday at 9:45 a.m. - Word & Communion Service
- Breck Home Residential Care (memory care) - Weekly Holy Communion, given resident-to-resident, on a day that works for both our volunteer EMHC and the facility.
- Applewood Pointe Cooperative Apartments (independent senior living) - Every Saturday following the 4 p.m. Mass, Holy Communion is brought to a small number of residents, after they have watched the livestreamed 4 p.m. Mass.
Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is a telephone and email network of volunteer parishioners who pray daily for the needs of others. An assigned Prayer Chain person is responsible to call the volunteers on his/her list with the prayer requests they have received. Requests for prayers may be made by contacting Beth Gaetz or Kathy Schoenecker, Parishioner Coordinator.
Grief Care

Parishioners are assisted in their bereavement with letters of support, direction and encouragement, as well as Stephen Ministry and the Grief Support Series offered through the Bloomington-Richfield Grief Support Coalition. Nativity is a member of this coalition. Parishioners may also wsh to check out GriefShare for a listing of local meetings. GriefShare is another excellent grief resource.
Funeral Luncheon Hospitality
Parish volunteers provides funeral lunch hospitality for grieving families. Funeral Luncheon Coordinators work in pairs throughout their assigned month and receive support and direction from the Ministry Coordinator. Luncheon Coordinators solicit funeral luncheon workers, provide direction to Luncheon Workers on the day of the funeral, and assist with other preparations when needed. Luncheon Workers are called on as needed and do not have to commit to any specific day or month. Volunteers are always welcome!
Angel Tree
Assist in implementing "gift giving" through the Angel Tree and the organizations we support at Christmas time. If you would like to learn more, please contact Kelly Schumacher in the Parish Office.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Nativity of Mary is blessed to have many dedicated crafters who knit and crochet beautiful prayers shawls for our parish community. A prayer shawl is intended to be a reminder of God's ever-present love. It is a gift for every time and event, season and circumstance of life, whether joyful or sorrowful, chosen or not chosen, and in times of weeping or celebration. Wear it whenever you would like to be reminded of God's loving presence. If you or someone you know would benefit from this beautiful gift, please contact Beth Gaetz in the Parish Office.
Eye Glass Donations
Nativity of Mary has been collecting used eye glasses to be donated to the Lion's Clubs International and specifically for the Minneapolis Airport Lion's Club for many years. A donation box is located in the Caritas Room on the bookshelf for both youth and adult glasses along with the cases if available. Sunglasses are also appreciated.
Hearing Aid Donations
Used hearing aids can also be donated and can be left near the Lion's Club donation box.
Veterans Coat & Winter Items Drive
The Veterans Coat & Winter Items Drive takes place in January of each year. Nativity of Mary is thrilled to partner with Every Third Sunday (ETS), a veteran support organization. ETS, located just 5 blocks from the Minneapolis VA center, considers faith to be the keystone to everything they do. They believe modern medicine can treat the physical injuries a veteran sustains in service, psychiatry can assist with the emotional difficulties, but the soul-wounding many veterans carry cannot be healed without divine intervention and a belief that we are all here for a purpose.
We ask the Nativity of Mary community to support this organization by fulfilling the tangible needs of veterans through donating winter coats and other winter items in January. Below you will find a list of some of their most needed items. Large donation boxes will be placed at the main entrances when the drive is taking place. Please consider donating your gently used items. Contact Kelly Schumacher with questions.
Every Third Saturday a Veterans support organization is in desperate need of:
- Winter coats
- Boots
- Hats
- Gloves
- Winter underwear
Other accepted items:
- Blue jeans
- Shirts
- T shirts
- Sweat clothes (XL,2XL)
- Shoes
- Diabetic socks
- Men’s boxer underwear
- Women’s briefs (M (6), L(7), XL (8))