Church open for Prayer 6:30 AM-4:30 PM Monday-Friday.
Click for current CONFESSION and ADORATION information.
Click Here for the Liturgical Ministry Schedule

Welcome to Nativity of Mary Catholic Church!

The Mission of Nativity of Mary Catholic Church is to make Jesus Christ known and loved.

Nativity of Mary Catholic Church is a growing community of Catholic Christian believers who worship together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit: who are called to proclaim with their lives and hearts the message of Jesus Christ and to serve the temporal and spiritual needs of people locally, throughout the diocese and the world.

Each member of Nativity of Mary Catholic Church is invited to prayerfully reflect on our mission statement and commit herself/himself to a full participation in the life of our parish community, which is threefold:

  • Worshipping together regularly
  • Serving in some area of parish ministry
  • Providing financial support for the parish community

We are one Catholic family, actively loving, learning, growing and serving, together in Christ.

How to Give:

During these extraordinary times, we invite you to continue to support our wonderful parish. You may do so either online by credit card, by check, or by text.
Please check out our donation page here

Online Donations

Email Updates

Please scan QR CODE with your smart phone or click the button below and fill out the site it brings you to, if you would like to get email updates from the Parish

Email Updates

Request a Mass Intention

Funerals at Nativity

Donate Online


Mass Schedule

Our Saturday 4:00 PM and Holy Day Masses are livestreamed to our Youtube Channel

4:00 PM (Anticipatory)

8:30 AM
10:30 AM

8:00 AM

6:00 PM

Wednesday - Friday
8:00 AM

Tuesday 5:00-5:50 PM
Wednesday 7:30-7:50 AM
Thursday 8:30 AM-last penitent
Saturday 3:00-3:45 PM


Monday-Friday 7:00-8:00 AM

Monday 8:30 AM- 2:00 PM

Tuesday 5:00-5:50 PM



Theology & Brews Save the Date: Thursday, February 27th
Save the date for the next Theology & Brews on Thursday, February 27th from 6:45-8 PM in the Gathering Space. We are excited to welcome Auxiliary Bishop Kenney to speak about Lent.   Click here to learn more about Theology & Brews. 

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Theology & Brews
Nativity School Enrollment Now Open!
Nativity of Mary School enrollment is now open!  New Families: Click here to visit our website to enroll for the 2025-2026 school year! At Nativity of Mary Preschool - 8th Grade Catholic School, we believe in providing an education that nurtures the whole child - academically, spiritually, s...

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Extreme Faith Camp Registration Now Open!
Registration for Extreme Faith Camp is now open! EFC provides a uniquely Catholic experience in which middle school teens can encounter Christ while participating in fun summer camp activities. It also provides high school and adult leaders opportunities to grow in faith through leadership. Dates ar...

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Teens, Extreme Faith Camp

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