Join us for our monthly Devotion to the Holy Face gatherings on the First Sunday of the month following the 10:30 Mass in the Chapel.  Each month, we will gather as a community to reflect on the history and the powerful roots of this devotion, pray the Holy Face Chaplet, and pray the Rosary.  A typical gathering is about 35 minutes.

Through this monthly devotion, we aspire to foster spiritual growth, cultivate a deeper understanding of our faith, and strengthen our bond with Christ and one another. We invite you to join us in prayer and reflection, as together we seek to encounter the infinite love and compassion of our Lord through the Holy Face.


 Upcoming Dates

The Holy Face Devotion meets in the Chapel following 10:30 AM Mass.

  • Sunday, April 7th
  • Sunday, May 5th
  • Sunday, June 2nd
  • Sunday, July 7th
  • Sunday, August 4th
  • Sunday, September 1st
  • Sunday, October 6th
  • Sunday, November 3rd
  • Sunday, December 1st 


What is the Holy Face Devotion

The Holy Face devotion is a spiritual practice within Catholicism that focuses on contemplating and venerating the face of Jesus Christ as it was during His earthly life, particularly during His Passion and Crucifixion. It is a devotion that encourages believers to reflect deeply on the sufferings and love of Christ as revealed through His Holy Face.

The roots of the Holy Face devotion trace back to the image of the Veil of Veronica, a legendary cloth said to bear the imprint of Christ's face. According to tradition, Veronica wiped Jesus' face as He carried His cross to Calvary, and His image miraculously appeared on the cloth.

The devotion gained popularity through the efforts of St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Maria Pierina De Micheli in the 19th and 20th centuries, respectively. St. Therese, also known as the Little Flower, promoted devotion to the Holy Face as a means of contemplating the human and divine aspects of Jesus' personality. St. Maria Pierina De Micheli received visions of Jesus encouraging devotion to His Holy Face as a means of reparation for sins and the conversion of sinners.

The Holy Face devotion often involves prayers, meditations, and acts of reparation focused on the sufferings endured by Jesus during His Passion, particularly His scourging and crucifixion. Devotees may recite specific prayers such as the Chaplet of the Holy Face or the Litany of the Holy Face, and they may also contemplate sacred images or representations of the Holy Face. The Holy Face Chaplet primarily combats Aetheism, communism and the desecration of holy days and of Sunday.

The goal of the Holy Face devotion is to deepen one's relationship with Christ, to express gratitude for His sacrifice, and to seek His mercy and grace. It is a way for believers to unite themselves more closely to the sufferings of Jesus and to find solace and strength in His enduring love and compassion.

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