Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The devotion prompting the faithful to visit the blessed sacrament draws them into an ever deeper share in the paschal mystery and leads them to respond gratefully to the gift of him who through his humanity constantly pours divine life into members of his Body. Abiding with Christ the Lord, they enjoy his intimate friendship and pour out their hearts before him for themselves and for those dear to them and they pray for the peace and salvation of the world. Offering their entire lives with Christ to the Father in the Holy Spirit, they derive from this sublime colloquy an increase of faith, hope, and charity. (Eucharistic Worship Outside of Mass)
Adoration Schedule:
Monday-Friday: 7:00-8:00AM (Church)
Monday: 8:30 AM-2:00 PM (Church)
Tuesday: 5:00-5:50 PM (Church)
If you are able to keep vigil with the Lord on a regular basis on Mondays, contact Pam Meyer at (952) 884-0158.
If you would like to assist with Adoration on Tuesdays, please contact the Director of Liturgy and Music.