Music Ministry

Get Involved In Nativity's Music Ministry!

Music is an integral part of liturgies here at Nativity. 



Parish Choir - A 4-part traditional choral group that typically rehearses on Wednesday evenings from September through Pentecost. This year, rehearsals will begin in August on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. Music ranges from Gregorian chant and Latin motets to more contemporary choral works. The choir generally sings at weekend Masses and on Holy days. New members are always welcome, including teenagers from the parish!

Cantors - The primary responsibilities of the cantor are to lead the congregational singing and proclaim the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Acclamation verse during the Liturgy of the Word. When a choir is not present, the cantor intones the congregational dialogues and sings with the congregation on the hymns and Mass parts.

Children's Choir - Currently suspended; more information to come soon! The Children's choir is open to children of the parish from grades 1-6.  They rehearse on Wednesday evenings during the school year. Please see the Children's Choir Page for more information!

Children's Choir Permission Form 2022-2023

The Resurrection Choir - Primary responsibility is to provide musical support to grieving families at Funeral Masses during the week. Anyone who is regularly available on weekday mornings is welcome to join this choir.

Instrumentalists - Instruments add varied and colorful dimensions to the music of the assembly and the choirs. We welcome those who play a musical instrument to join with the piano or organ to make our liturgies more festive. Please contact Martha Barth, the Director of Liturgy and Music, if you would like to begin playing for Masses at Nativity.

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