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Intercessory Prayer Ministry Available
Nativity of Mary has an intercessory prayer team available to all parishioners. These sessions are designed to bring peace, comfort, and healing. Following the example of Jesus and His disciples, they call upon the graces of the Holy Spirit for those who seek it. The ministry team prays with individ...

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Prayer for a New Pastor

Posted on February 09, 2024 in: General News

Prayer for a New Pastor
Let us join together as a community in prayer.    Prayer for a New Pastor Dear Lord we ask for your favor to be granted to Nativity of Mary Parish and School.  As we prepare for our new Pastor we ask you to send forth the Holy Spirit to inspire the process of discernment for ...

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Parish Event, Prayer
Ad Gentes Event Recap + Photos
In a beautiful display of faith, members of the Nativity of Mary community came together on Thursday, June 29th, for an extraordinary event called Ad Gentes. "Ad Gentes”, translated as "To the Nations," is a profound decree that emerged from the Second Vatican Council. This sign...

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Parish Event, Prayer, Ad Gentes, Ad Gentes

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