

Ad Gentes Event Recap + Photos

Posted on July 18, 2023 in: General News

Ad Gentes Event Recap + Photos

In a beautiful display of faith, members of the Nativity of Mary community came together on Thursday, June 29th, for an extraordinary event called Ad Gentes. "Ad Gentes”, translated as "To the Nations," is a profound decree that emerged from the Second Vatican Council. This significant document focused on the Church's mission to bring the Gospel to all nations and shed light on the vital role of missionary activity in the modern world. Inspired by this decree, Nativity of Mary hosted a Drive- thru prayer event in our parking lot.

The event was an overwhelming success, leaving behind numerous glory stories and heartfelt moments. As the evening unfolded, the Nativity of Mary parking lot transformed into a sacred space of prayer, where those from all walks of life could pour out their hearts, find solace, and experience the power of God's presence. In addition to the nearly 30 people who came through the drive-thru lines, sign holders reported many smiles, positive comments, and affirming honks!

Some of the people that came to us for prayer were individuals of different religions who were deeply suffering in their lives and were simply wanting to know they were not alone. Others revealed to us, by their own witness of faith, that God is working in our community in so many hidden ways. Those who were praying in the Church while the evangelization was going on in the parking lot, experienced profound graces that revealed to them the inner workings of God’s mystical body. The ways that God desired to touch his people during this event was so unexpected and profound.

The event would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication and selfless service of the 25+ volunteers who wholeheartedly embraced the mission. These extraordinary individuals formed the backbone of Ad Gentes, lending their time, energy, and talents to ensure its success. We are so grateful for the smiling faces and enthusiastic spirit of the sign holders who stood in the heat at various intersections near nativity and ushered cars and pedestrians into the parking lot. We could not have done the event without the commitment of the prayer team, whose devotion and intercession uplifted the entire event. These faithful individuals fervently prayed for the needs and intentions of each person who drove through, allowing divine blessings to flow abundantly. We would also like to thank those who prayed with our Lord in Adoration and waited to greet anyone coming into the Church. Their prayer played a vital role in the success of this evangelization event.

As we reflect on the profound teachings of “Ad Gentes”, let us renew our commitment to evangelization and missionary activity. May we embrace our call to be witnesses of Christ's love, reaching out to those around us and sharing the Good News with joy and humility. May the spirit of “Ad Gentes” continue to inspire us as we strive to build a world where all people can encounter the transformative power of the Gospel.

If you are interested in assisting with our next Ad Gentes Drive- thru Prayer Event please contact Emily Dalksy in the Parish
Office at: edalsky@nativitybloomington.org


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