

VEAP Food Share During the Month of March

Posted on February 26, 2025 in: General News

VEAP Food Share During the Month of March

It's that time again for the annual food collection for us to help VEAP refill their shelves to help the needy in our community. The amount of people needing to use the food shelf has really increased this year, so our help is more important than ever. Our parishioners have always been generous, and we know VEAP is so thankful for our donations. We are collecting non-perishable boxes, jars/ cans of food, baby products (especially diapers), personal hygiene products and laundry products. Bins will be located at both church entrances. Please only donate items noted above; anything else can be donated to other charities. Monetary donations are also welcome. Simply make checks out to VEAP, memo “VEAP Food Drive,” and put into the Sunday collection. The Food Share will take place during the month of March. Thank you!


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