

Pastor's Note: The Holy Family

Posted on February 10, 2025 in: General News

Pastor's Note: The Holy Family

Dear Parishioners,

For Catholics, the month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family, and it gives us the opportunity to honor Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as the model for Christian families. It is fitting to have such a dedication this month because, even though the actual Feast of the Holy Family is celebrated toward the end of December, February always begins with its own feast that features the Holy Family at the center: the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Last Sunday, you might remember that we commemorated this moment when the Holy Family traveled together to the Temple in Jerusalem demonstrating their love, faith, and obedience to the Mosaic Law.

It is that particular moment in Scripture, among others, that reminds us they are the ideal from which we want to shape our own family life. In other words, if the desire is to have healthy, happy, holy relationships, we ought to look to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as the model. I know I have mentioned it before, but St. Pope John Paul II’s famous quote about society always comes to mind when we start talking about families. He said, “As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the world we live in.” May we recall his wise words during this month and pray for the families here at our church and school because that same concept applies, not just to a society, but to any given community. For example, healthy families will always contribute to a healthy church and school community.

In that sense, brothers and sisters, let us also pray for a strengthening of marriages, which are considered a vocation and the foundation of the family. Within the Church, we also celebrate World Day of Marriage this Sunday, which is a special occasion to honor the beauty and sanctity of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. This day calls us to reflect on the bond between husband and wife and how it is meant to mirror the relationship between Christ and His Church. On this World Day of Marriage, we are invited to pray for all married couples, asking for God’s grace to help them deepen their commitment to each other and to Him. We also remember those who are struggling in their marriage, praying for their healing and strength. During this month of February, may we deepen our relationship with God and one another, following the example of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, who embody perfect love and devotion.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Bill Duffert


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