

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: December 9

Posted on December 04, 2024 in: General News

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: December 9

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on Monday, December 9th.  There will be 8 AM Mass that day.  Read below for more information on this special Solemnity. 

Click here read about why we will celebrate on Monday, December 9th this year. 


Why the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Is Celebrated on December 9 This Year

For many Catholics, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is always associated with December 8. However, in some years, including this one, the Church moves the celebration to December 9. Why does this happen? The answer lies in the liturgical calendar and the interplay of solemnities and Sundays during Advent.

The Church teaches that Sundays are always a celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord, making them the "foremost holy day of obligation" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2177). When a solemnity such as the Immaculate Conception falls on a Sunday, it cannot replace the Advent Sunday liturgy. Instead, the solemnity is transferred to the following day, in this case, Monday, December 9.

The Immaculate Conception is the patronal feast of the United States, making it a particularly important celebration for American Catholics. While this feast is ordinarily a holy day of obligation, when it is transferred to December 9, the obligation to attend Mass is not required. However, the solemnity is still observed with great reverence, offering an opportunity to reflect on Mary’s unique role in salvation history.

This year, Catholics are encouraged to attend Mass on Monday, December 9, to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Immaculate Conception. While attendance is not obligatory, it is a meaningful way to deepen your devotion to Mary and seek her intercession. The transfer reminds us of the Church's rich liturgical tradition, which prioritizes the Advent season’s focus on preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ while still honoring the pivotal role of Mary in God’s plan of salvation.

As we celebrate this solemnity, whether on December 8 or 9, let us take to heart Mary’s example of holiness and her unwavering "yes" to God. May her Immaculate Conception inspire us to live in God’s grace and trust in His perfect plan for our lives.

Let us pray, Holy Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us and guide us closer to your Son, Jesus Christ!




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