

Carmelite Book Study Group

Posted on July 26, 2024 in: General News

Carmelite Book Study Group

Carmelite Book Study Group

What: Fellowship and study of various books on Carmelite saints and spirituality. This year (Sept-May) we will be studying Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross and The Context of Holiness: Psychological and Spiritual Reflections on the Life of St Therese of Lisieux

When: Two Wednesdays per the month starting September 11, following 8:00 am Mass until 10:15.

Where: Caritas Room.

Schedule: 8:30-9:15 Fellowship and refreshments. 9:15-10:15 Book discussion.

Who: Everyone is invited. The group is facilitated by Annie Lex and Jane Montoya. Both are parishioners who are also Secular Carmelites for over 25 years each.

How to sign up: Contact Annie (annelex@comcast.net) or Jane (jane.montoya@live.com)


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