

Eucharistic Adorers Needed

Posted on July 12, 2024 in: General News

Eucharistic Adorers Needed

Nativity offers extended time for Eucharistic Adoration on Mondays from 8:30 AM to 2 PM, and adorers are desperately needed for each hour, especially from 1-2 PM! Substitutes are also needed. Contact Pam Meyer, parishioner coordinator, at (952) 884-0158 or pamkenmeyer@gmail.com to volunteer or for more information.

Will committing to Eucharistic Adoration each week be a bit of a sacrifice? Absolutely! However, many of our greatest saints remind us that all we have is gifted to us by God and that regular time spent with the Lord in the Eucharist will help us discern how to spend our life and energy. It will actually strengthen us to show up as our best selves more often in our lives. Regularly placing yourself in Christ's presence will grow your relationship with our triune God and increase your awareness of God in your life.

Please take some time to discern whether God is calling you to commit to regular Eucharistic Adoration. If these hours don't work for you, know that St. Bonaventure's Parish in Bloomington and Annunciation Parish in south Minneapolis have perpetual adoration, and other adoration schedules can be found on masstimes.org. If every week seems like too much, maybe you can recruit a friend to share that commitment. Let's be sure Jesus doesn't lack for companionship here at Nativity of Mary during any adoration time.


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