

Feast of the Nativity of Mary: Friday, September 8th

Posted on September 06, 2023 in: General News

Feast of the Nativity of Mary: Friday, September 8th

As we enter the month of September, our hearts are filled with joy and anticipation as we prepare to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, a special occasion in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. This feast, which falls on September 8th, marks the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, and holds great significance in our faith and specifically to our Parish! 

The birth of the Virgin Mary is a momentous event in the history of salvation. Mary's birth is seen as a sign of God's divine plan for humanity. She was chosen by God to be the vessel through which our Savior, Jesus Christ, would be born. Mary's life was one of unwavering faith, obedience, and humility, making her an exemplary model of Christian virtue. Her "yes" to the angel Gabriel's message, known as the Annunciation, is a testament to her complete trust in God's will.

On the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, we come together as a faith community to celebrate the birth of the woman who played a pivotal role in God's plan for our salvation. It is a day of rejoicing, as we remember the arrival of the one who would give birth to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We offer our prayers of gratitude for her willingness to serve God and for her steadfast faith throughout her life.

It is also a day for us to reflect on Mary's virtues and how we can strive to emulate her in our own lives. Her humility, purity, and devotion to God serve as an inspiration for us to deepen our relationship with Christ and to live lives of greater faith and love.

As we observe this feast day, many of us may participate in various devotions and traditions. Some may choose to attend Mass on this special day, where we can receive the Eucharist and unite our prayers with the universal Church. Others may recite the Rosary, seeking Mary's intercession and meditating on the mysteries of the faith. Additionally, some families may gather to share a meal and reflect on the significance of Mary's birth in their lives.

Let us use this Feast of the Nativity of Mary as an opportunity to draw closer to our Heavenly Mother and to deepen our relationship with her Son, Jesus Christ. Through prayer, reflection, and acts of charity, we can honor Mary's life and her role in our salvation. May her example of faith and devotion continue to guide us on our spiritual journey.

In conclusion, the Feast of the Nativity of Mary reminds us of the profound impact that one individual's faith and obedience to God can have on the course of human history. As we celebrate this day, let us strive to live our lives in a way that reflects Mary's virtues and, like her, say "yes" to God's will in our own unique callings.

May the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose birth we commemorate, bring us closer to her Son and lead us to a deeper relationship with God.


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