

Christian Charity: A Reflection from Fr. Nathan LaLiberte

Posted on July 06, 2023 in: General News

Christian Charity: A Reflection from Fr. Nathan LaLiberte

This weekend we are told to come to the Lord in our fatigue and weariness. With these consoling words, I think it is possible to stretch them into us and allow them to become the source of love and rest for others, by means of our Christian witness. The teachings of our faith call us to care for the least among us with Christian charity. In doing so, we often find unexpected blessings and encounter the transformative power of love. Love is often that consoling presence that grants us rest in our own lives. Embarking on this journey, we are reminded of the inspiring words of saints who have walked this path before us.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta once said, "The greatest science in the world, in heaven and on earth, is love". Why love? Because it transcends any one person or thing. This profound insight by Saint Theresa of Calcutta reminds us that love is at the core of our Christian calling and even more practically speaking, Charity, which is love in action. The entire mission of Christ to the world was the Love of God acting in this world and our continuation of Jesus’ mission to this world must echo the same mission statement.

As Catholics, we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Our Lord himself said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14). These words serve as a gentle reminder that those who are in need, vulnerable, and unable to fend for themselves, hold a special place in the Lord’s heart as he summons those to him.

At times, caring for the those in need simply means creating a nurturing environment where they feel loved, valued, and protected. It can mean extending a helping hand to parents who may be overwhelmed, offering them support and encouragement. It could even mean reaching out to those in our community who we know are struggling, sharing the burden of their challenges, and providing them with words of hope.

Again relying on the words of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, she reminds us that: "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving". When we care for the little ones, our acts of love have a ripple effect that extends beyond the immediate act of kindness. When we sow seeds of compassion, kindness, and generosity it does not just bear fruit in the lives of those we touch, but it often overflows to those whom we will never meet in this world.

The famous prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi states that, "it is in giving that we receive". Charity has this remarkable way of filling the cup of the giver. It often seems like if we were to pour out what we have, we would be without what we personally need. However, it is often the case that in giving what we have, we actually receive even more. Our own lives are enriched when we become instruments of God's grace in the lives of those we serve.

Let us embrace the challenge of caring for the little ones as an opportunity to live out our faith authentically. May our actions reflect the love of Christ, who calls us to "love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34). May God grant us the grace and strength to care for those whom God places before us today with a spirit of Christian charity.


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